Water that is life giving!
To date no life has been discovered that can exist without water. All life is dependent on water; so is it not plausible that water may be the source of all life by being the carrier of life force itself.
Whether you want to view water as the carrier of life force or the source of the life force itself doesn’t really matter, what’s important is that all life is dependent on it and without it you would not be alive!
Here at LIVING WATER we believe in the healing power water can have on the body! Most of what we do is Hydro-therapy related.
Hydro means: water
Therapy means: the treatment of disease or disorders, program, etc., that relieves tension.

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to HELP you achieve health and wellness in every way! We realize people aren’t just physically sick, they are sick in their heart, soul, mind and body!
Good health consists of far more than physical health, and can only be obtained when our entire being is well. A person’s mental and spiritual health has a direct affect on their physical health and vise-versa.
About Our Facility
The LIVING WATER Natural Healing & Health Solutions facility has been located and designed with our clients in mind; possessing an atmosphere conducive to wellness in every way. Our facility is centrally located for convenience, and yet at the same time is in a fairly private setting.

Colon cleansing has probably done more good for my health than ANY one thing I know of! They have kept me well and virtually sickness free for years. I am truly a believer in them! If I ever feel any symptoms of an illness coming on me, I’ll do a colonic and all the symptoms are usually gone that same day or by the next day at the most. I would encourage everyone to strongly consider this mode of detoxifying to regain or maintain good health. I have learned to be well, a person must keep the “garbage” out!
I have used many methods for colon cleansing—enemas, home-rigged colonics, herbal cleanses, etc., but I haven’t found ANYTHING to be as comfortable and as effective as the Colenz™ colon hydrotherapy table used at Living Water.
RI — Sumrall, Mississippi
The first thing I noticed when entering Living Water was the calm, peaceful, serene atmosphere. The facilities are tastefully appointed, professional and comfortable. I appreciated the clear and concise information I received and thoughtful answers to my questions.
I went to Living Water with the hope that I might find some relief from the arthritis that has been getting consistently more painful. After evaluating my situation, Ronnie helped me select the personal program of services, diet and supplements to address the areas of concern in my health.
Two weeks after beginning my personal program I realized that the joints in my feet were not painful every time I stood up to walk and my hands, knees, elbows and back were much improved. I also realized that I was beginning to see an improvement in my weight. After three weeks on my program I am wearing clothes I have not been able to wear in two years and have noticed a significant improvement in my energy level, sleep pattern, and feeling of control over my general health. I sincerely appreciate the help and support I receive at Living Water and would not hesitate to recommend it and the services and products provided there.
KB — Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Ten years ago I transitioned from a low–fiber, meat based diet to a high–fiber, plant based diet. I reaped phenomenal health benefits by that change. Last year a Naturopathic doctor advised me that tests showed I had a blockage in my colon. “No way!” I responded to him. “How can that possibly be, when I have 3 to 4 bowel movements every day?!”
When I learned Living Water Natural Healing & Health Solutions existed, from a friend who was on her way for a colonic, I got in my car and met her at the facility. I scheduled myself for 3 colonics, I figured that is all that would be necessary! I did the three colonics, and followed them up with an Ultimate Colon Cleanse.
Now, many folks consider me their own personal health guru. My weight is maintained at 92—98 pounds, with no signs of an extended stomach which is often indicative of impacted fecal matter in the colon. So when I returned a couple months later for repetitive colonics I was in for a surprise. In Colonic #6, Colonic #7, and Colonic #8, I eliminated hard, black fecal matter interlaced with mucous. I stopped the colonics after #12, and plan to return the first of next year to do 3 more colonics in conjunction with a cleansing fast. I intend to get to the bottom of it all yet!!
I have extremely compromised breathing, and the problem is enhanced with asthma. When I have an asthma attack I use a good grade sea salt and distilled water as an antihistamine. I carry it around in my purse like I used to carry an inhaler. I also use herbs, usually taken in the morning, to help keep my bronchi clear. BUT, since Colonic #8... after eliminating all the black, mucous–laced fecal matter... I have not had to use anything for my breathing. I am amazed at the depth of my breathing, as I now breathe deeper using nothing, than I did with help. Also, I no longer crave refined carbohydrates since the repetitive colonics.
JW — Hattiesburg, Mississippi

I have been properly and thoroughly trained in the field of Colon Hydrotherapy to meet all the qualifications required by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I–ACT). I have done over 1000 hours of study on the anatomy and physiology of the entire digestive tract.