Systemic overgrowth of the yeast Candida Albicans is believed by many Naturopaths and other health care practitioners to be a significant factor in many poor health conditions. The following dietary guidelines are set to help combat a Candida overgrowth.
Foods you can eat freely
Feel free to include any and all of the food items on this list in your daily diet:
All fresh vegetables (except carrots & beets) and vegetable juices.
All fish (except scavengers and shellfish). Deep sea white fish and salmon are particularly good.
Free range chicken and turkey.
Purified water.
Lemons, limes, cranberries, and Granny Smith apples.
Well–cooked whole grains: millet, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa. NO WHEAT!
Pasta made from any of the above grains.
Essential fatty acids — 1 Tablespoon per day.
Clarified butter.
Beans (in conjunction with digestive enzymes).
Raw almonds and seeds.
Chamomile, peppermint, and Pau D’Arco tea.
Green superfoods (such as BarleyMax).
Stevia (used as a sweetener).
Foods to Avoid
To combat Candida overgrowth and promote optimum health, try to avoid the following foods as much as possible.
Sugars — sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, galactose, maple syrup, maple sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, date sugar, corn syrup and honey.
Artificial sweeteners (such as Aspartame and Nutrasweet®).
Yeast containing foods — such as breads and pastries.
Alcohol, soda, coffee and fermented beverages (like ciders).
Malt containing products (such as malted milk drinks, creals and some candies).
Condiments, sauces, and vinegar containing foods (such as mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, MSG and pickles). Try to use fresh lemon or lime instead.
Dried and candied fruits (raisins, dates, pineapples, etc.)
Fermented foods (such as soy sauce, tofu, tempeh, and sauerkraut).
All fruit juices.
Fruit (except Granny Smith apples).
— After approximately 20–60 days you can begin adding in grapefruit and kiwi.
— After approximately 4 months on the program you can add in such fruit as bananas, berries, and melons.
Cheese and sour milk products (such as buttermilk and sour cream).
Mushrooms and other fungus. Remember, yeast is a fungus!
All nuts — except raw almonds.
Packaged and processed foods: including enriched flour products.
Example of a typical day on the Candida Diet
The following is an example of a typical day following these dietary guidelines. Remember to always eat a variety of healthy, fresh foods. Get creative with your diet!
Before Breakfast:
Glass of lemon water.
Steamed vegetables and a cup of tea or cooked grain (from the list above) flavored with cinnamon and/or nutmeg.
Green vegetables, juice (not beet or carrot) and/or 1 cup of tea.
Fresh green salad with lemon/olive or flax oil, green vegetable juice or steamed vegetables, and one of the following: beans, pea soup, organic chicken, turkey or fish.
Raw sticks of celery, other vegetable wedges, or a Granny Smith apple.
Steamed vegetables or vegetable soup and a small bowl of buckwheat, quinoa, or amaranth or a hearty and healthy stew made from all of these ingredients.
Remember: Always try to eat fresh, organic homemade foods whenever possible and avoid leftovers that are more than one day old. Keep plenty of the foods around that meet these guidelines to avoid being forced to eat something that might cause a reaction.
Note: It is very important to make sure you are having two to three good bowel movements a day. To help facilitate this, get plenty of fiber and exercise and remember to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.